Release Notes From CENTRL
We are excited to introduce new features and enhancements for our upcoming release on September 12th, 2017.
Here's what to expect:
Assessments Module
- New Dashboard: On the Assessments page to summarize questionnaires across all partners. The dashboard can be filtered by period, region, or country if applicable. This Dashboard is only available on Partner Connect.
- Preview Questionnaire: When starting a new questionnaire, you can preview the content of a questionnaire before deciding if you want to use that template. At the Create New Questionnaire screen, click on the Magnifying Glass under action to preview the template.
- Answer Internally: You can now answer and evaluate a questionnaire internally without publishing. You can also add your own internal observed answers on responses you have received from partners.
- Complete Questionnaires: Questionnaires can now be marked complete even if all answers have not been received. To mark a questionnaire as complete, open the questionnaire and click Mark As Complete. This will bring up a confirmation window where you click Confirm to complete.
- New Reports: Added three new reports to provide information about assignment statuses, questionnaire statuses, and exceptions. You can find these new reports in the Reports section of the Assessments Module.
- Client Connect
- Open and Past Due Questions
- Aging Report
- Open and Past Due Questions
- Partner Connect
- Open and Past Due Questionnaires
- Open and Past Due Questionnaires
- Client Connect
- Assignments: Assignments for questionnaire admins and owners will now appear in My Assignments.
Documents Module
- View Recipients and Publish to More Modal: On the Documents page, "Publish to More" and "View Recipients" have been separated.
- File Library Improvement: Users can now create a document folder from the File Library. To do this, go to the File Library and select the files you would like to add and click Create Folder. You can now enter the folder name and information for this new folder.
- System administrators will be able to associate a department and department group to each internal user. This will be useful for reporting needs such as some of the new reports indicated above and admin/user management.