Partner Space

The Partner Space separates the partners that have published entities such as assessments and issues to our organization. This centralized location allows you to access and collaborate on these published entities respective of the partner that published them. 

Please Note: Unsubscribed organizations will only have access to answer and collaborate on entities published to their organization. If you are interested in the features available to subscribed organizations, please reach out to our Client Relations Team at '' or Support.

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to Partners 

1. Click on Partners Space from the navigation column as shown below. You will be taken to the Partner Data Screen.


Viewing and Managing Your Partners 

By default, all your Partners will appear in a Grid view. If you have multiple partners, the Partners' list will appear in a List view. You may optionally search and filter your partners in either configuration.

View Configuration

1. Click the Grid icon to view Partners in a Grid view.


2. Click the List icon to view Partners in a List view.



3. Click on the Search icon to start searching.


4. Within the search box, enter your search text.


Filter by Status

5. Check on the Status button as shown below and select from the options; Active or Inactive. Select the Apply button accordingly to filter. 


Applying Additional Filters

1. Click on the Filter icon as shown below.


2. Within the Additional Filters modal, click on the Column drop-down and Value drop-down to select from the pre-populated options. You can apply more than one filter by clicking on the +icon.


3. Click on the Apply button to proceed. To clear filters, click on the Clear All button.


Note: After applying filters, the Filter icon also shows a count of the applied filters in red.

To learn more about adding a new partner or editing partner details, click here