Completing Registration for CENTRL

When you invite a new user to CENTRL either directly, by publishing, or assigning, the user will receive an email invitation to join the platform. The email slightly varies for inviting guest contacts vs internal users since guest contacts can create their own organization.

This article covers the following topics: 

Guest Contact Registration

1. When invited to CENTRL, guests will receive an email notification similar to the example below. Clicking on the Get Started button starts the registration process:


2. On the following registration window, guests can edit their profile details mentioned but cannot change their email address. Guests must also set a password and agree to the Terms and Conditions box. We run a password complexity check to ensure strong passwords for all registrations. Once done, guests can click the Create Account button to create an account.

For more information on our password policy, please see our following help article:


For Internal Users

1. When invited to CENTRL, internal users will receive an email notification similar to the example below. Clicking on the Complete Registration button starts the registration process.


2. On the following registration window, new users can edit their profile details mentioned but cannot change the Email or Company fields. The Company field is locked for users because invitations grant users access to existing accounts on CENTRL. Users must also set a password and agree to the Terms and Conditions box. We run a password complexity check to ensure strong passwords for all registrations. Once done, users can click the Create Account button to create an account.
