Run Smart Response

Smart Response is a first-of-its-kind generative AI solution to revolutionize the risk and diligence process. This feature enhances a responding team's ability in the assessment completion process by automatically applying answers from previously completed assessments and related documents.

Smart Response delivers precise answers automatically, as well as the rationale and referenced resources for each generated answer.

For subscribed users, Smart Response will only be accessible to users with the specific Smart Response permission enabled. Please see our full help article on Smart Response permissions for your reference:

Please Note: Guest users will have access to Smart Response by default if enabled for your organization.

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to an Active Assessment

1. As a subscribed user, navigate to the Assessments Module, Active Assessments Screen, and select an active assessment as shown below.


2. If you are a guest user, navigate to the intended partner from the Partner Space, Assessments Screen, Active Assessments tab, and select an active assessment as shown below.


Run Smart Response

1. From an Assessment Answering Screen, select the Smart Response button as shown below.


2. From the Smart Response Window, select the + Select Assessments and/or + Select Documents link to respectively add previously answered assessments and documents as a source for Smart Response.


Select Assessments

1. In the Select Assessment Window, use the checkbox(s) to choose previously answered assessment(s) as a source for Smart Response to generate answers. Click Select & Close to confirm as shown below.


Select Documents

1. From the Add Documents Window, drag & drop files from the Upload Files Screen as shown below.


2. Optionally, you can select existing files from the Select From File Library Screen as shown below.


Please Note: Currently only .pdf and .docx files are supported to source Smart Response. For more information on uploading files to assessments, please see our help article below: 

Review & Run

1. In the Smart Response Window, configure and review the selected resources. Select Run Smart Response to confirm as shown below.


2. The Smart Response Window will prompt you to return to the Active Assessments Screen while Smart Response generates.


3. Assessments that currently have a Smart Response generating will be locked from further amendment until the generation is complete. Locked assessments will be indicated by the Padlock icon as shown below.


Please Note: You will receive an email notification once the generation is complete.

Viewing Smart Response

Once a Smart Response generation is complete, suggested responses parsed from the provided resources are viewable along with the rationale in the Assessment Answering Screen.

1. From an Assessment Answering Screen, you can view and apply suggested answers populated by Smart Response by clicking View Suggestions, and selecting a suggested answer as shown below.


2. The selected suggested answer will populate in the question card as shown below.


View References

Users have the ability to view the references for each AI-generated response, gaining more insight on which resources were utilized in the generation of the suggestions.

1.  In a question card, click on View Suggestions and select View References as shown below. 


2. The Smart Response section will display suggested answers and provide more context of where the answer was generated.

Re-run Smart Response

Smart Response can be re-run on assessments with additional resources if required. 

1. From an Assessment Answering Screen, select the Smart Response button as shown below.


2. In the Smart Response Window, select which configuration you intend to re-run Smart Response For.

  • Run Smart Response on unanswered questions: Only unanswered questions can be affected by the new generation of Smart Response.
  • Run Smart Response on all questions: All questions can potentially be affected by the new generation of Smart Response.

Select Continue to confirm as shown below.


3. In the Smart Response Window, review and reconfigure the resources provided in the original Smart Response generation. You can optionally add more resources using the respective links. Select Run Smart Response to confirm as shown below.


Reference the remaining steps from the Review & Run section above.