February 2024 - Release Notes

We are excited to introduce new features and enhancements for our upcoming March 1, 2024 release. 

This article covers the following topics:

Release Notes Summary

Vendor360 / DD360 / BNM360 / Cyber360 / Assess360 / MSA360

CentrlGPT | Auto Populate

Sometimes partners respond to questionnaires with a set of documents or standard pre-filled questionnaires offline instead of answering directly on the platform. When this happens, users have to read through pages of data to find answers and manually enter them into Centrl. Auto Populate automates this process with CentrlGPT.

  • Auto Populate will let users generate observed answers from a set of documents.
  • Auto Populate will show references from documents so users can understand which passages shaped the answer.

Please Note: While Auto-Populate and Response360 both use generative answering, Response360 is part of a wider initiative and will cover the complete responder workflow. If interested in the Auto Populate with CentrlGPT, please contact your Client Relations manager about CentrlGPT.

CentrlGPT | Executive Reports

We will extend our Executive Reporting capability to support generative summaries from CentrlGPT. Executive Reports help clients build templatized pdf and word style reports to share assessment results with a wider audience in a clean digestible format. CentrlGPT captures findings and recommendations from answers, clarifications, issues, and comments at the assessment and section level. These findings and recommendations can now be incorporated into Executive Reports.

Please Note: If interested in the Executive Reporting with CentrlGPT, please contact your Client Relations manager about CentrlGPT.

Invoice Module

The Invoice Module helps network management teams automate the invoice process within one integrated solution. Invoicing includes workflow management as well as an ingestion engine and automatic reconciliation.

  • Users will be able to enter negative numbers when creating and updating invoices. 
  • Users will be able to add new fees as well as edit the Fee Group, Fee Type, and custom attributes of existing fees for fee cards that are in the IN USE status. 

Please Note: Invoicing is an add-on feature. To learn more, please contact your Client Relations manager.

Assessments Module

This release brings several customer driven enhancements to evaluation within the Assessment Module.

  • To help analyze assessment data offline, this release will support Bulk Export to see multiple assessments in a single Excel file. For quick analysis, we will include additional metadata such as Published To and Assessment ID so users can quickly create pivot tables to understand results across partners or legal entities. The export will also include table answers from each assessment in an intuitive format that supports filtering and pivot tables.
  • To help customers quickly see clarifications in one place, assessment export files will include a sheet for clarifications.
  • We’ve added new quick filters so users can quickly see questions that need evaluation or have received clarification responses. 

This release brings several customer driven enhancements to answering. 

  • Clients responding to assessments can answer clarifications offline in the assessment import file and import clarification answers to the platform. 
  • For any standard questionnaire like AFME, we will automatically match standard questions on ID even if the text has been altered. 
  • To reduce confusion on how to export data and answer offline, users responding to assessments will see Export and Import as standalone actions in the header.
    • On smaller screens these actions will collapse into the three dots menu
    • Import can be disabled as a questionnaire property

This release also brings several customer driven enhancements to the questionnaire process.

  • We have continued to update the question detail view on questionnaires to reflect our new design language. These updates seek to make the detail view more intuitive for new users.
  • When creating questionnaires, we will simplify adding options to multiple choice questions. In the platform, users will see a new option to add multiple options at once. When using offline import, users will be able to import up to 250 options instead of 50. 
  • When creating risk levels, users can now set reporting levels to zero. Earlier we forced all levels to be greater than zero.
  • When enabling a section, subsection, or question on max score, the values now default to zero. Before we would show zero as a placeholder but not actually set the value to zero. When users saved their score key, the system would disable scoring on these records.


This release also brings several customer driven enhancements to the wider platform.

  • When carrying out bulk actions, users will be able to search to find specific records. Earlier, the search bar was hidden during bulk selection.
  • When setting up approval rules, users will be able to set up approval rules for all questionnaires with the same name regardless of version. Earlier when users added new versions of questionnaires they had to recreate rules.


Early Access Program

This release introduces Early Access to Response360, the first generative AI platform designed to help teams quickly respond to questionnaires. This feature is currently available for our subscribed Client Connect users.

Unlike traditional methods of searching through hundreds of pages for answers, Response360 automatically delivers precise answers and helps build a knowledge base with generative AI. Through our Early Access Program (EAP) we will showcase generative answering and focus on gathering customer feedback to shape the evolution of Response360.

  • Users in the EAP can use CentrlGPT to generate answers from documents and prior assessments. 
  • Users will see references from documents to understand how CentrlGPT crafted its answer.
  • Users will be able to generate answers across an entire assessment from a set of documents or generate answers for specific questions from specific documents. 

Please Note: If interested in our Early Access Program, please submit a support request through the Support Center.

Note to Clients

We do not expect any downtime for users during this maintenance period.

Release Notes Details

To view the release notes details, click here.