Viewing Assessment Import logs when Answering

Respondents can review import logs for each file when offline answers are imported into an assessment. Import logs will reflect either a success or error status along with associated error messages, if any. All error messages can be resolved in the uploaded file and re-imported.

To learn more about importing offline answers, please see our full article below:

This article covers the following topics:

Navigate to the Overview Screen

For Guest Users

1. Navigate to the intended partner from the Partners Space, Assessments Screen, and the Active Assessments tab. Then, click on the 3 dots under the Actions column and select Go to Overview, as shown below.


For Subscribed Users

2. From the Assessments Module, Active Assessments Screen, click on the 3 dots under the Actions column for the intended assessment, and select Go to Overview as shown below.


From the Answering Screen

3. Alternatively, from the Answering Screen, navigate to the Overview Screen as shown below.


Viewing Import Logs

1. In the Overview Screen, Import Log tab, select a File Name to view each import's status, metadata, and results.


Note: If any errors are detected upon import, the Status column will reflect as such.

2. The Import Details and meta-data, as well as the Errors and Warning Summary table, can be reviewed if any errors are found. Additionally, you can download the uploaded file as shown below. 


Resolve Import Errors

1. If any errors are detected, the Errors and Warning Summary table will list the affected question(s) and associated error message.


2. Open the uploaded file and access the question(s) indicated in the Errors and Warning Summary table, as shown below.


Note: Optionally, you can download the file directly from the Import Log, as shown in step 2 from the Viewing Import Logs section above.

3. Resolve the detected error for each applicable question.


Note: For questions with Answer Options, make sure that the answers match exactly to one of the Answer Options, including checking for correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing.

4. Re-import the resolved template and follow the Viewing Import Logs section steps to verify no further import errors, as shown below.
