July 2024 - Release Notes

We are excited to introduce new features and enhancements for our upcoming July 26, 2024 release. 

This article includes the following topics:

Release Notes Summary

Vendor360 / DD360 / BNM360 / Cyber360 / Assess360 / MSA360

CentrlGPT | Response360

Response360 is the first-of-its-kind generative AI solution tailored specifically for responders of Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQs), and other questionnaires. Leveraging cutting-edge generative AI technology, Response360 automates questionnaire responses and continuously updates a centralized repository of your response content. This transformative approach virtually eliminates manual errors, boosting overall efficiency and reliability in the response process. 

Please Note: The Response360 solution is not available by default. If you are interested in this product, please reach out to your account manager or contact support at ‘support@oncentrl.com’.

Answer Library

Response360 users have access to the Answer Library Module, the central repository of your response content. In this release, we will roll out the following features and enhancements for the Answer Library to enhance user experience when onboarding and managing Question and Answer (Q&A) records:

  • Users onboarding with Response360 who have previously responded to CENTRL assessments will have their Answer Library automatically pre-populated with their past assessment(s) answers as Q&A records.
  • Users will have the ability to assign reviewers and set verification duration for Q&A records.
    • Reviewers will receive email notifications to verify Q&A records and automated reminders to re-verify them before they expire. Users can assign records individually or in bulk.
  • Users can bulk export all Q&A records from the Answer Library for record-keeping, external sharing, and re-importing.
  • Users can bulk import Q&A records to the Answer Library to add new records and update existing records.
  • Full audit logs of any changes made to a Q&A record will be available to users.
  • When uploading historical records, users can specify the exact answering date so Response Management can identify the most relevant answers.

Response Management

Response360 users can access the Response Management Module where users can upload, answer, and manage all RFPs, DDQs, and questionnaires received outside of the CENTRL platform. In this release, we will roll out the following features and enhancements: 

  • Response management automatically identifies related questions when importing a new questionnaire to improve answer generation. For example, if one question refers to another, we will track that automatically.
  • Users will have the ability to archive and re-open questionnaires.

Smart Response

For Response360 users, Smart Response will now automatically search and utilize the Answer Library to find highly aligned matches to populate the best answer. When Smart Response cannot find a strong match from the Answer Library, it will instead try to generate an answer from attached documents (policies, reports, RFPs) and previously completed assessments. In this release, we are rolling out the following key enhancements that will make the Smart Response feature even more powerful:

  • If Smart Response finds more than one strong match from the Answer Library, it will populate the best match and show users the other matches.
  • If Smart Response cannot find a strong match, it will look for related content across the Answer Library to generate a suggested answer. If users attach documents or tag previous assessments, Smart Response will also use these sources to generate a suggested answer.
  • Users can see references for each suggested answer and apply the suggested answer to the question.

Assessment Module

This release brings several customer-requested enhancements to the Assessment Module.

All Assessment Users

  • All users will now be able to Export / Import Assessments to PDF / Excel by default.
  • The assessment Excel report generated with the Download All Files feature will also include a tab for assessment history.
  • When opening an assessment, we will not preselect default filters. This change will let users see Pending and In Progress questions by default.
  • When exporting an assessment, we will delimit multi-select options with a line break instead of a comma for added visibility. We will not update our questionnaire export/import format in this release.
  • When creating a bulk evaluation, the dropdown menu will no longer list unavailable questionnaires, such as questionnaires where every assessment is archived.
  • We will add new permissions on roles to delete assessments and upcoming assessments to help teams restrict the ability to delete assessment records.
  • When responding to assessments, the table view will now show the Assessed For column by default so users understand the assessment's scope.

Assessment Respondents 

  • We will shift from quick filter pills to a dropdown experience and make more quick filters available. This change will make it easier to see things like Not Answered questions while more effectively using screen real estate.

Partners Module

This release brings two major customer-requested features to the Partners Module.

  • As part of an effort to let users remove extraneous partners, users will now be able to archive and unarchive partners. By default, the partner table will hide archived partners. Users will see an option under column settings to show archived partners. We will update lookups to hide archived partners in an upcoming release.
  • The partner bulk export file will include IDs for each object. With this change, we will match records by their ID instead of name. As a result, users can update the names of partners, products, and more from bulk import.
  • We will no longer include placeholder records in the import template and instead direct users to the help desk. This change will eliminate the risk of accidentally importing placeholder records.

Invoice Module

This release will introduce a new feature in our Invoice Module for data management so users can extract and load invoice data quickly, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined process.

  • Standard Export: Effortlessly extract invoice data.
  • Standard Import: Quickly and accurately upload invoice data.

Users can now delete fee cards that are not being used in any invoices. This new feature will help you manage your fee cards more efficiently and keep your records current.

Release Notes Details

To view the release notes details, click here.