Users on the Client Connect portal can export an assessment in a Word-approved DOCX format. This export allows respondents to download a copy of the assessment they are working on for their own records.
From the Active Assessments Screen
1. Users can navigate to the Active Assessments Screen and click on the 3 dots for the assessment they wish to export. Within the menu, click on Export, then select the Export as DOCX option.
From within an Assessment
1. Users working within an assessment can click on the Export option on the top right of the Answering Screen. Then select the Export as DOCX option.
2. Once the option has been selected, you will then receive a pop-up to export the assessment. Click on the Export button to have the file download sent to you via email.
Viewing your Exported File
1. The exported DOCX file will contain the assessment summary and answer level details.