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Question History When Answering

The Question History feature allows respondents to review the history of all user activities associated with the selected question for tracking purposes. This feature provides a timeline showing all user activities in reverse chronological order. Question History will display the actions and the date for each activity. 

This feature is available to questionnaire creators on the Partner Connect side as well as respondents on the Client Connect side. To learn more about viewing the question history in evaluation, please see our full help article below: 

Question History will show information regarding the selected question. Question History shows the following actions:

  • Modifying an answer or comment
  • Attaching or removing a file
  • Assigning questions
  • Submitting questions back
  • Clarifications
  • Pre-populated answer details
  • Reopened Questions
  • Tags Added to a Question

Navigating to Question History 

1. Navigate to the intended partner from the Partner Space, Assessments Screen, and click the Active Assessments tab. From there click on the intended assessment as shown below.

Note: If you are a subscribed user, click on the Assessments Module and click on the Active Assessments Screen

2. From the Answering Screen, navigate to a question and select the Question History icon as shown below.

3. The Question History Window provides a complete audit trail of user activities at a question level as shown below. Click Close to return to the Answering Screen

quesrion history (24.2) 3.png