Updating the Status for a Received Issue

When you receive an Issue from your Partner, as an Issue Owner or Issue Administrator, you can update the status of an issue to Sent For Review. This will notify your Partner that the issue has been completed from your end and is ready for their review.

Update Issue Status

1. In the Partners Module, select the Partner you wish to navigate to.

2. Navigate to the Issues Screen and click on the Issue Name for which you wish to update the status.

2. From the Issue Details tab, click on the Edit Details button, as shown below.

3. Click on the Status drop-down and select the Sent for Review option.

4. The Update Issue Status Window will pop-up. Here, you will be able to click the dropdown icon to finalize your selection. Click on Update Status to proceed.

5. Click on Save Changes to confirm your selection.

An email notification will be sent to your partner indicating that the Issue is ready for review.