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Responding to Clarifications

Evaluators can raise clarifications to inquire further on a submitted response. When you receive a clarification, you can respond to their clarification question with both text and file attachments.

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to Your Assessment

From the Email

When your partner sends you a clarification, you will receive an email notification that contains links to the questions requiring clarification. You can click on the email links to open the questionnaire and view the clarifications.


From the Partner Space

1. To view the questions assigned to you by Partner, navigate to the Partner Space and select the respective partner.

RC 1.png

From the Active Assessments table

1. From the Assessments Module, navigate to the Assessments Screen and Active Assessments tab as shown below. Once here, click on the Assessment Name to view the clarification. 

RC 2.png

Viewing Open Clarifications from the Active Assessments table

Alternatively, users can add the Open Clarifications column to their Active Assessments table to easily identify any open clarifications that need to be responded to. The Open Clarifications column will reveal the current amount of open clarifications for each assessment. 

1. From the Active Assessments Screen, click on the Gear gear icon.png icon and click on the Open Clarifications Checkbox to add the column.

2. Click on the Open Clarification link to navigate to the open clarification(s) for that assessment.  

For more information on how to configure table views, please see our full help articles below: 

Viewing Clarification Questions

1. From the Answering Screen, the question associated with the clarification will be visible along with the pending clarification as noted by the New label. 

2. Click on the Clarifications box to begin typing your response and click on the Checkmark to save it. Once done, click on the Submit button to submit the clarification response(s) back to your Partner.