Responding to Assignments

Assignments allow your team to assign questions or sections to the correct subject matter experts. The Data Inventory module allows you and your team members to respond to assignments and submit assignments back to the Assignor.  In addition, the original Assignor can track the progress of the assignments and eventually submit them to the DPO. 

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to your Assignments

From Email


When you receive an assignment, you will receive an email outlining the assignments your partner has sent you. You can navigate to the question you'd like to answer by clicking on the link in the question.

If you don't have an account in DPM, you will be prompted to create a password and login to view your assignments. 

My Assignments


1. Click on the Data Inventory moduleHere you can see how many survey questions are assigned to you under the My Assignments screen. 

Answering Assigned Questions

You can begin answering the questions your colleague has assigned to you or you have assigned to yourself.

Note: Within the My Assignments screen, you can only view the questions that were assigned to you.


1. As you open up sections, you can click on individual questions to bring up the answering pane. 

2. At the top of the answering pane, you can see the question your partner has asked you and the format of the answer. We support multiple answer types including Open Answer, Yes/No, Multiple Choice, Documents, and Tables. In order to answer the question, you can select or type in the appropriate response.

Note: All answers are saved automatically.

Submitting an Assigned Question Individually

When you are ready, you can submit the questions back to the original Assignor. The Assignor will then review the questions and eventually submit them back to the external partner. 


1. Click on the Submit button to submit the question back to the Assignor for review. A success message will appear and your assigned question will be submitted back. 

Bulk-submitting Assignments


1. Click on the Submit All Assignments button as shown above. Alternatively, you can click on the 3 dots and select Bulk Submit Assignments to bulk-submit. 


2. Click on the Submit Assignments button to proceed. 

Note: A warning message will appear if you attempt to submit back a question without answering as shown below.
