February 2021 - Release Notes

We are excited to introduce new features and enhancements for our upcoming release on February 26, 2021.

Topics Covered: 

1. Release Notes Summary 

2. Release Notes Details

Release Notes Summary

Vendor360 / ODD360 / BNM360 / Cyber360 / Assess360 / MSA360

  • The Manage Questionnaires Screen view will be revamped to where users can configure columns, search and filter over any attribute, and save their changes as a custom list. 
  • Simplification of the user interface on the Edit Questionnaire screen to include the following actions: 
    • Editing instructions
    • Editing section and subsection details
  • Based on feedback from users, changes to the numbering scheme will be made to make it more flexible. These changes are supported both on the Edit Questionnaire screen and via the questionnaire import file (covered below):
    • Numbering scheme: Users will have the option to use a completely custom numbering scheme. Selecting the “manual” option will provide the user to edit the section/question numbers manually (follow-up questions included).
    • A new option will also be added to select if the question number should be displayed. This is to accommodate use cases where the follow-up questions do not have a number.
  • The import questionnaire file will be updated to support a few changes. (Note: You will need to download the new import template when importing a questionnaire. The previous template may not work.)
    • Follow-up questions were limited to a certain question numbering scheme (appended with .1, .2 etc to the parent question). This will change so that follow-up questions can be numbered anyway as long as the question number is unique
    • You will now have to explicitly specify the “parent question” for each follow-up. This is done by adding a the parent question number in the new “Parent Question#” column 
    • Note: the column “Follow-up Trigger” would still need be populated to indicate the trigger for the follow-up question
    • “No Answer Type” option for questions to be displayed without an answer. 
    • Disable comments and/or document requests on a question
    • Follow-up question changes
    • The import file will also support the features listed in 3.a and 3.b. Custom numbering scheme for sections/questions is supported by entering the desired number in the “Section#” or “Question#” columns. The option to select whether a question number should be displayed is specified in the “Display Question#” column. (Note: by default the question number is always displayed so this is not a mandatory column)
    • Other additional features that are supported only in the import file will be added. None of these are mandatory
  • Enhancement of the Bulk publishing flow to filter/select partners based on Product attributes. 
  • Partner Space  actions on assessments: User will remain on the original screen (and not be navigated to Active Assessments) after “Change Owner” and “Change Recipient” actions 
  • The file upload flow on a partner/vendor and product will incur the following changes:
    • Ability to upload multiple files 
    • Ability to select previously attached files
    • Look and feel changes to the file list view
  • Dates fields on record details (e.g. partner, product details) were displayed in the MM/DD/YYYY. Going forward all dates will be displayed as MMM DD, YYYY (e.g. Jul 11, 2020)


  • Revamping of the filter operators for several field types: Users can now filter for values in the columns: 
    • For date, users can now use numeric type filter operators (equals, not equals, less than, greater than) and leverage a date picker to choose the filter value. 
    • For progress fields (number of tasks completed, number of questions answered), users can now use numeric type filter operators where the value is the % of total (e.g task completed < 50%). 
    • For number fields, users can now filter by using equals and not equals as operators. 
  • Performance improvement to all tables on our platform.


  • Label for standard attributes for Partners and Products will be editable under Advanced Configuration in System Admin
  • Admins will be able to rename the Issues module (only applicable to Partner Connect/Vendor connect) using the Advanced Configuration

Note to Clients

CENTRL’s platform will no longer support Internet Explorer by Spring 2021. For more information on our supported browsers, please visit our help center article here.

Release Notes Details 

To view the Release Notes details, click here

 Note: Users must log in to view full details.