Viewing Open Tickets

When submitting support request tickets to CENTRL Support, you have the option to view your ticket(s) from the help center. 

This article covers the following topics:

Navigate to My Profile 

1. From the CENTRL platform, select your profile dropdown as shown below and click the Help Center link. 


2. From the help center page, click on your profile name dropdown as shown below and select My activities


3. From the My activities screen click on the My requests tab as shown below. This will show a list of all open, solved, or closed tickets. You also have the option to filter by status. 


4. Additionally, you may navigate to the Requests I'm CC'd on tab to view any tickets submitted from other users in your organization that have CC'd you in the ticket. 


5. Lastly, the Following Screen will show you any articles, sections, topics that you have followed. You may also unfollow any pages here as well. 


Following Pages

As we are constantly working to improve your CENTRL experience, you can stay updated with our upcoming new features and improvements by following our Release Notes page in our CENTRL Help Center. To do so, navigate to our Release Notes page by clicking here and click on the “Follow” button as shown in the screenshot below. By doing so, you will automatically be notified of our future releases. You may also use the same process for following any desired categories/sections. 
