Search and Filter Attributes

Users editing their table views can scope their data by adding a filter or by searching a keyword.

Note: Table Views are available on select screens. This article's navigations are general for referencing any Table View Screen. 

This article contains the following topic:

Filter Attributes

Adding Filters

1. Click on the Filter filter icon.png icon and the Filters Window will appear.

2. Click on the dropdown as shown below and select a column by which you wish to filter the data.


3. The dropdown will display many filters to select from. Users can select a filter to sort and organize the data from the table.

4. Users can stack additional filters to their search by clicking on the + Filter icon. 


Stacking additional filters allows for a precise search of the exact data you would like to see.

5. Once the filters and conditions are set, click the Apply button for the table to filter and sort the data.


Note: You cannot stack the same filter multiple times in a search filter (i.e. "Partner Name contains..." with an additional filter of "Partner Name contains..."). This functionality is currently not supported.

Defining Filters

Different filters provide different search functionalities within the particular filter. Depending on what a user is searching for, they can choose a filter component that best fits their search requirements. 

1. Click on the dropdown to view the search functionalities for the particular filter. 


Since stacking the same filter multiple times in a search filter is not supported, a filter component such as the In option allows for stacking conditions into a single filter. 


The search filter also has options to search for data where filters either have empty values or non-empty values. 


Supported Filters

Below is the full list of the filter components offered in the search filter. The components available vary on the filter selected.

Filter Supported Fields Description

Text, Number, Currency, Percentage, Date

Filters to records where the field exactly matches the provided search term.

Equals Dropdown

Filters to records that match any of the selected dropdown values

Not equals Text, Number, Currency, Percentage

Filters to records where the field does not exactly match the provided search term.

Starts with Text

Filters to records where the field starts with the provided search term.



Filters to records that contain the provided search term at any point in the field.

Note: Do not use this filter with rich text fields that have formatting like Issue Description. These fields have hidden HTML content that impacts this filter.


Not Contains



Filters to records that does not contain the provided search term at any point in the field.

Note: Do not use this filter with rich text fields that have formatting like Issue Description. These fields have hidden HTML content that impacts this filter.


Not Starts With



Filters to records that does not start with the provided search term at any point in the field.

In Text

Filters to records where the field exactly matches one of the provided search terms.

Is Empty Text, Date

Filters to records where the field has no value.

Is Not Empty Text, Date

Filters to records where the field has any value.

Less than Number Filters to records where the field is less than the provided value.
Less than or equal to Number

Filters to records where the field matches or is less than the provided value.

Greater than Number

Filters to records where the field is greater than the provided value.

Greater than or equal to Number

Filters to records where the field matches or is greater than the provided value.

Before Date

Filters to records where the field is before the given date.

On or before Date

Filters to records where the field is equal to or before the given date.

After Date

Filters to records where the field is after the given date.

On or after Date

Filters to records where the field is equal to or after the given date.

This Date

Filters to records where the field belongs to this Day, Week, Month, or Year.

Next Date

Filters to records that occur in the next N Days, Weeks, Months, or Years.

Last Date

Filters to records that occur in the last N Days, Weeks, Months, or Years.

Removing Filters

1.To remove a filter, click on the Trash   trash can icon.png  icon.


2. Additionally, users can bulk remove all filters in a single action by clicking the Clear All Filters option.


Search Component

1. Click inside the search bar as shown below to begin typing your query.

Note: You can press Enter on the keyboard or click the Search search icon.png icon to filter by your query. To erase your search, clear the search bar and click the Search search icon.png icon or Press Enter

2. Additionally, users can bulk remove all filters in a single action by clicking the Clear All Filters option.

Search Component

Click inside the search bar as shown below to begin typing your query.

Note: You can press Enter on the keyboard or click the Search search icon.png icon to filter by your query. To erase your search, clear the search bar and click the Search search icon.png icon or Press Enter

Searching to Filter Bulk Actions

When carrying out bulk actions, users can use the search to select specific records for the bulk action. This helps when you need to quickly add many records that may appear on different pages.

1. To search for specific entries, type your query in the search bar below and press Enter on your keyboard, or click on the Search search icon.png icon to filter for all entries that apply to your query. 

searching for multiple selections (24.2) 1.png

2. Click on the checkboxes to select the desired entries as shown below. 

searching for multiple selections (24.2) 2.png

3. After selecting options from your initial search query, users can type a new query in the search bar below to search for different entries.  

searching for multiple selections (24.2) 3.png

4. Click on the checkboxes to select the required entries. Users can repeat steps 1-4 in this section until all of the desired entries are selected. Once done, click on the Select (#) & Close button as shown below. 

searching for multiple selections (24.2) 4.png

5. Once done, the entries you selected will show in the bulk action window as shown below. 

searching for multiple selections (24.2) 5.png