The Permissions Matrix is a feature that allows users to view all their published folders and the permissions associated with each client. The end result is a 360-degree view of how folders are externally distributed.
Partners form the foundation for how you view information within the Permission Matrix. To the right of the partner, you will see all the folders in your system that have been published and the associated permissions for each partner.
Note: Only Document Administrators can access the Permissions screen. For more information on Admin Roles and Capabilities, please visit our Help Center article here: Modular Admin Capabilities.
This article covers the following topics:
Using the Permissions Matrix, Document Admins can modify permissions for published Folders if required. The following permissions are available for each folder:
- Download Files
: This permission enables the recipient to download all Files in the Folder.
- Publish as Read-Only
: This permission allows the recipient to view all the files in a Read-Only format.
- Watermarks
: This permission applies a standard watermark to all the files in the folder.
- Publish as Private
: This permission allows the files in the folder to be accessed only by the intended recipient and not by the entire division/organization.
Click here to learn more about Advanced Permissions for Document Folders.
Navigating to the Permissions Matrix
1. Navigate to the Documents Admin Module, and access the Permissions Screen on the top right.
Modifying Permissions
1. Select the permissions you want to modify. The permissions that were modified will either be blue or will have a blue outline. Once your selections have been made, click on the Modify Documents button on the top right to confirm your modifications.
2. In the Modify Permissions Window, you can review the changes being made and click on Next to confirm.
3. As you review your modifications, you can send an optional email notification to your partners by selecting the corresponding checkbox. Click on the Modify button to proceed.
Revoking Access to Folders
In addition to viewing and modifying permissions, you have the option to Revoke Access to all document folders for a Partner. This would remove access to all the contacts for the selected partner.
1. Click on the checkbox next to the desired Partner name and select the Revoke button on the top right.
2. Within the Revoke Permissions Window, you can confirm the names of all Document Folders that will be revoked for your partner. Click on the Next button to proceed.
3. You can then send an optional email notification to your partners by selecting the corresponding checkbox. You can also type an additional optional message below. Once done, click on the Revoke button to proceed.