Guest users now have access to a personalized Answer Library, a centralized source of past responses to help guests work smarter and faster. When responding to an assessment, Smart Response automatically suggests answers from both offline documents and curated Answer Library records.
1. To view your Answer Library, click on the Answer Library Module icon. Here, users can see a table view of all their answers that were either used in a previous assessment or that were manually added.
2. Users can change the status of an Answer Library record or delete the record via the 3 dots options.
3. Users can carry out Bulk Actions to change status, set verification duration, or delete. Setting the verification duration allows users to automatically move Verified records to Not Verified after a specified timeframe. This feature helps encourage continual data reviews.
4. By clicking into any of the links, users can see a full overview of the saved answer and its details. Here users can also edit and verify their answers. Since guests users have a personal plan they cannot add Reviewers. If you want to work with your team and add reviewers, check out the Team Management module and request to upgrade.
For more information on managing your Answer Library, please visit our Help Center articles below: