Logging into CENTRL

Users who have successfully registered and created an account with CENTRL can log in to our platform at any time.

This article covers the following topics:

Logging in

1. To log in to CENTRL, please visit https://web.oncentrl.com/#/login and enter your email address and click on the Continue button.


2. Now enter your password and click on the Login button. 


Logging out

1. To log out, click on the dropdown next to your username initial and click on Log out. 


Automatic Inactivity Logout 

Please note: for security reasons and to protect sensitive client data, CENTRL enforces user sessions, that have been idle for 35 minutes, to end automatically. Based on this, users will be automatically logged out of their sessions after 35 minutes of inactivity

Password Reset

CENTRL users have the option to have their password reset or change their password for their accounts by using our password recovery tool. Please see our full help article below:
Password Reset

Changing Password in the App

Within the platform, you can change your password anytime. Please see our full help article below:

Changing Password in the App

Password Policy

At CENTRL, we incorporate the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 800-53 standards for our password criteria and policy. CENTRL has updated the password requirements to use an industry-standard strength checker. Please see our full help article below:

Password Policy

Account Lockout Policy

As per CENTRL's Account Lockout Policy, while logging into CENTRL, when a user makes three unsuccessful login attempts due to incorrect login or password, he/she will be locked out for 10 minutes from their last login attempt. This is done to provide additional security to user accounts and to avoid brute force attacks. Please see our full help article below:

Account Lockout Policy