Import Offline Answers in an Assessment

When answering an assessment, you can answer directly on the platform, answer offline through an editable PDF or Excel, or import answers from a prior assessment. This article covers answering and importing assessments through an editable PDF / Excel and prior assessments. To learn more about answering assessments in the platform, please see our full help article below:

This article covers the following topics: 

Navigating to Active Assessments 

For Guest Users

1. Once navigated to the intended partner from the Partners Space, navigate to the Assessments Screen, Active Assessments tab, and select an assessment as shown below.


For Subscribed Users

2. From the Assessments Module, Active Assessments Screen, and select an assessment as shown below.


From Email

3. Navigate to the assessment from the email notification by clicking on Get Started.


Export Assessment

1. From the Answering Screen, click on Export on the top right of the assessment.


For full details on exporting assessment, please see our help article:

Answer Offline

Once the download is complete, users can add their answers offline into the PDF or Excel file.

Adding Offline Answers in Excel

1. In the Question Level Data tab, add answers in the Answer column as shown below. 


2. If applicable, open clarifications can be answered from the Clarifications tab as shown below.


Please Note: Answering clarifications offline is only available through the Excel option.

Adding Offline Answers in PDF

1. Add answers in each applicable answer box as shown below.


Import Assessment

Answers from an approved PDF / Excel template or previously answered assessments can be imported into a current assessment.

1. Once ready to import, navigate back to the Answering Screen and click Import as shown below.

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Importing Offline Answers

2. In the Import Answers Window, select File.


3. Select the intended file and click Next as shown below.


4. In the Review & Import Window, review the uploaded file and click Import to confirm.


Important Notes

  • When adding answers to an Excel/PDF file offline, only the rows/boxes that contain new data are required for import. Deleted or blank rows/boxes will be "ignored" upon re-import.
  • Only the first 250 answer options on a single question are available for export and import.
  • The same PDF or XLSX template can be used for multiple assessments if the questionnaires are the same.
  • When files are required for questions, please note that attaching files is only available in editable PDF format, NOT Excel.
  • It is recommended to use PDF format for answering multiple choice questions as Excel is case sensitive and answers would need to be written in an exact match. PDF format is also needed for attaching files as Excel does not support file attachments. 

Please note: PDFs may default to open by the browser's PDF Viewer, however some answer types and features are not available for answering in this view. We recommend opening and answering assessments offline using Adobe Acrobat Reader which will have most answering capabilities available. 

Importing Previous Assessments

5. In the Import Answers Window, select Assessment to choose a related assessment to import answers to your current assessment.


6. Select the desired assessment to import from and click Next.


7. The Review & Import Window displayed below shows the details of the answers that have been processed and are ready to be imported. Click on the Import button to proceed and finish the import process.


Viewing Import Logs

Import logs can be reviewed to verify if an import was successful or if any potential errors are detected. To learn more about viewing import logs and resolving errors, please refer to our article below: