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Team Management

Guest users on CENTRL have access to a personal portal to manage their assessments and Answer Library. Upgrading to Team Management allows organizations to register their company and create a shared, collaborative environment. With Team Management, companies gain the ability to:

    • Invite teammates and consolidate work in a single company-managed space.
    • Eliminate shared logins, ensuring secure, role-based access for every user.
    • Gain full visibility into ongoing work across the organization.
    • Set permissions and access controls to manage who can view and edit information.
    • Build a central Answer Library to streamline responses and improve consistency

This article covers the following topics:

Requesting to Upgrade to Team Management

1. Guests can request to be upgraded free of charge by clicking on the Team Management Module and selecting the Contact Us.

2. A confirmation message will appear on the bottom right to indicate that your request to become a subscribed company has been received.

How to Invite a Teammate after Upgrading

After logging in to a team managed account, users with System Admin permissions can navigate to the System Admin Module to add new users. Newly added users will receive an invite to join the team managed account. Upon accepting an invite, CENTRL will pull in user data into the team managed account. System Admin users can track the status of invites on the User Screen

1. From the System Admin Module, navigate to the Users Screen and click on Add User as shown below.


2. In the New User Screen, enter the required details in the applicable text boxes. Click on the Save button at the top right once the information is completed.

The user will be created and will receive an email invitation prompting them to register.


Note: After the user is created, the email address cannot be modified.

Accepting an Invitation

If you have been invited to register in CENTRL, you will receive a welcome email directing you to our registration form, where you can provide your personal details and accept your colleague's invitation to join your organization. 

1. Navigate to your inbox and open the Welcome email from CENTRL. Then, click on Complete Registration to proceed, as shown below.


2. In the following registration window, new users can edit their profile details mentioned, but cannot change the email or company fields. The company field is locked for users because invitations grant users access to existing accounts on CENTRL. Users must also set a password and agree to the Terms and Conditions box. A password complexity check is run to ensure strong passwords for all registrations. Once done, users can click the Create Account button to create an account.


Managing Users 

System Administrators have the ability to modify details, roles, permissions, and capabilities for users within your organization. 

1. From the System Admin Module, navigate to the Users Screen and click on the desired user from the User List.


2. From the Edit Users Screen, users' details such as first and last name can be edited as shown below.


Note: An existing user's email cannot be edited. In the event that a user's email has changed or an incorrect email address was entered upon the creation of user, we recommend deactivating the user with the incorrect email and creating a new user with the correct email. To learn how to deactivate a user, please see the Managing User Status section below.

3. Other user details such as System Admin Access, Application Access, and Client Access & Permissions can be configured for users.


System Admin Access Permissions

Any or all of the following System Administrator permission sets can be granted to any user and each of these System Administrator permission sets is minimally privileged, that is, a user possessing any or all of these Administrator privileges:

  • Does not get access to any other modules or application data unless they are assigned a role that has those permissions.

  • Only has read and write access to the parts of the application that they are explicitly granted by their Administrator privileges unless they are assigned a role that has those permissions.

User, Role, and Organization Management

This permission, when granted to an Administrator, gives the user access (view & edit) to the Users, Roles, Business Units, and Organizational Hierarchy Screens at the application level of your company from the System Admin Module.


Please Note: When users are granted this access, they will only view the User, Role, and Organization Management.

Partner and Contact Management

This permission, when granted to an Administrator, gives the user access (view & edit) to the Partners and Contacts Screens at the application level of your company from the System Admin Module.


Please Note: This System Admin Access permission supersedes client access restrictions.

Advanced Configuration Management

This permission, when granted to an Administrator, gives the user access (view & edit) to the Advanced Configuration Screen, such as objects and fields, page layouts, and other platform configurations at the application level of your company from the System Admin Module.


Distribution List Management

This permission, when granted to an Administrator, gives the user access (view & edit) to the Distribution Screen at the application level of your company from the System Admin Module.


Application Access

The Application Access section details a range of module-specific Admin Capabilities that can be modified for internal users based on their needs.

Editing Primary Organization

1. To edit a user's primary organization, click on the Down arrow 4173efcc-f46b-406c-b8a9-ad2af3ca6193.png icon and select a primary organization from the dropdown list.


Editing Roles and Permissions 

2. Under the Role section, click on the Select button, as shown below.


3. In the Add/Update User Roles Window, choose existing role(s) and click Select Role to confirm. Optionally, click on Update Role Permissions to use the User Permissions Roles matrix to create a new custom role.


Note: The system does not allow users to make changes to Default roles. If you modify an existing default role, a new role will be created.

Advanced Capabilities Explained

The table below explains in detail each Module Admin and its applicable advanced capability. 

Please Note: Advanced Capabilities will supersede client access restrictions. ]]

Admin  Description
Questionnaire Admin Questionnaires Admins can view all Active Assessments within their division with the same abilities as the existing Questionnaire Owner. For Example, Questionnaire Admins can answer questions, assign questions, submit back questions to partners across all Assessments within their division.
Issues Management Admin Issue Management Admins can view all Issues within their division with the same abilities as the existing Issue Owner. For Example, Issue Management Admins can write internal comments, add collaborators, collaborate externally, and publish Management Updates across all Issues within their division.
Document Admin Document Admins have access to the File Library, Bulk Publish, Permissions Matrix, and the ability to archive Document Folders. In addition, Document Admins have the ability to view all Document Folders in their division.

Client Access & Permissions

System Administrators can edit a user's access to a subset of partners. If amended, access to partners will be updated throughout the platform for all modules for the selected user.

Please Note: If a user has any advanced capability and/or the Partner and Contact Management System Admin permission, partner access restrictions will be superseded.

Editing Client Access

1. Under the Client Access section, click Select as shown below.


2. In the Manage Partners Window, use the checkbox(s) to configure partner access. Once selected, click Close to apply these changes.


Editing Partner Permissions

System Admins can also edit a user's partner permissions based on partner access.

3. Under the Permissions section, click on the checkbox(s) next to the desired permission, as shown below.


Editing Secondary Organization

You can optionally modify the Secondary Organization(s) that you intend users to have access to. 

1. Under the Secondary Organization section, click on the Down arrow 4173efcc-f46b-406c-b8a9-ad2af3ca6193.png icon and select the desired secondary organization(s) from the dropdown as shown below.


Managing User Status

System Administrators can deactivate, reactivate, and re-invite users in their organization if needed.

1. From the System Admin Module, navigate to the Users Screen, and click on the Deactivate icon under the Action column as shown below.


2. On the following window, you will be asked to select an alternate user for further communications after the selected User has been deactivated if desired, as this is an optional step. Click on the Deactivate button as shown below to confirm the deactivation of the selected user.


3. A confirmation message will appear with a warning note indicating that the user will be deactivated only from the current profile. Click Yes to proceed.


4. To reactivate a Deactivated user, click on the Reactivate icon under the Action column as shown below. A confirmation message will appear. Click on the Yes button to proceed. A success banner will appear at the bottom of the screen and the user will automatically be subscribed back into the system.


5. To re-invite, a Pending user, click on the Re-invite icon under the Action column as shown below.

2025-03-06_16-02-37 copy.png

Note: The user will then receive an email invitation for registering into the platform. 

Answering Externally Received Assessments

Please review our full guides for more information on answering assessments received from your partners below:

Answering Response Management Questionnaires 

Response360 Enterprise users can use the Response Management Module to digitize questionnaires from formats like Word, PDF, and Excel. After importing, permitted users can answer the questionnaires. For more details on how to manually answer imported questionnaires, please refer to our full help article below:

Answering Questionnaires Using Smart Response

Response360 Enterprise users can also use the Response Management Module to automatically answer imported questionnaires. To learn how to automatically answer questionnaires with Smart Response using Knowledge Base Q&A, previous assessments, and other documents, please see our help article below:

Not Receiving CENTRL Emails or Getting Blocked from Using CENTRL?

CENTRL uses multiple service providers to send email notifications for redundancy and maximum coverage. To ensure delivery, we recommend whitelisting the domain. Please share the following help article with your IT team to assist in whitelisting our domains:

Additionally, company firewalls, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and/or Endpoint Protection (EP) may block the usage of CENTRL. To resolve this, please share the following help article with your internal IT team to quickly whitelist all of our application URLs: