Answering Questionnaires

Response360 users can utilize the Response Management Module to digitize questionnaires from various formats such as Word, PDF, and Excel. Once imported, questionnaires can be answered by permitted users. This article covers manually answering imported questionnaires in the platform. To learn about answering questionnaires with Smart Response, please see our full help article:

Please also see our full help article on Adding & Managing Questionnaires:

Please Note: This feature is not available by default. If interested, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact Support.

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to a Questionnaire

1. Navigate to the Response Management Module and click on the name of the In Progress questionnaire you intend to answer as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 navigating 1.png

2. Alternatively, click on the 3 dots in the Actions column and select the View Questionnaire option. 

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 navigating 2.png

Answering a Questionnaire

Questions can be answered from individual question cards or sequentially from the Add Response boxes.

From the Question Card

1. From the Answering Screen, click on the question text you intend to answer as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from the question card 1.png

2. In the question card, enter your answer text in the Answer box as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from the question card 2.png

Please Note: Currently, only open-answer text is supported.

3. In a question card, you can optionally add reference documents by selecting the Add Document button and entering additional text in the Notes box as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from the question card 3.png

4. To view the question history, click the History icon as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from the question card 4.png

From the Add Response Box

1. From the Answering Screen, click on the Add Response box under a question you intend to answer as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from response box 1.png

2. Enter your answer text in the Add Response box as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 from response box 2.png

Please Note: To learn more about answer questionnaire options and filters, please see our full help article:

Completing a Questionnaire

1. Once all answers have been provided, click the Complete button as shown below.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 completing 1.png

2. In the Complete Questionnaire Window, enter a date in the Date Submitted to Partner box and an optional message in the Message to Collaborators box. To add associated questions and answers as Answer Library Q&A records, select the checkbox in the Answer Library section as shown below. Press Complete to confirm.

RM answering questionnaires 24.7 completing 2.png

Note: The questionnaire will move to a Completed status and can no longer be amended.

Re-opening a Completed Questionnaire 

If any updates need to be made to a completed questionnaire, users can reopen the questionnaire to make the required updates. 

1. From the Response Management Module, click on the 3 dots and select Re-Open as shown below. 

answering questionnaires reopen 1.png

2. From the Re-Open Questionnaire Window, click on the Continue button to proceed. 

answering questionnaires reopen 2.png