Answering Questionnaires with Smart Response

Response360 users can utilize the Response Management Module to digitize questionnaires from various formats such as Word, PDF, and Excel. Once imported, questionnaires can be answered by permitted users. This article covers automatically answering imported questionnaires with Smart Response. Users can utilize Knowledge Base Q&A records, previous assessments, and additional documents to automatically generate responses. 

To learn about manually answering questionnaires in the platform, please see our full help article:

Please also see our full help article on Adding and Managing Questionnaires:

Please Note: The CentrlGPT feature is not available by default. Please reach out to your Account Manager to learn more about this feature.

This article covers the following topics:

Navigate to the Answer Questionnaire Screen

1. Navigate to the Response Management Module and select an In Progress questionnaire as shown below.

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Run Smart Response

Questionnaire answers can be automatically generated using Smart Response.

1. From the questionnaire Answering Screen, select Run Smart Response.

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Knowledge Base Filters

1. Matching Knowledge Base Q&A entries can be used to source Smart Response. Q&A entries will take priority over previous assessments and added documents when generating answers. These entries can be filtered to further drill down a subset of Q&A entries for Smart Response to reference.

2. In the Smart Response Window, toggle the Use Knowledge Base option to use matching Q&A entries for Smart Response. You can optionally add filters by clicking + Add Knowledge Base Filters as shown below.

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3. Configure Partner, Product, and Status filters as shown below.

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4. By default, when Knowledge Base Q&A entries are enabled for Smart Response, present values will influence which entries are prioritized for determining a top match. Please see the hierarchy for determining the best match below.

  1. Question and Context: The question and additional context for the question if available (i.e. parent question, section, and subsection) between a questionnaire and a Q&A is a semantic match. 
  2. Product: The product(s) associated with the questionnaire matches the product(s) associated with the Q&A entry.
  3. Status: If the question text and associated products are identical between two or more Q&A entries, then the status will determine prioritization.  
    1. Verified: First priority
    2. Not Verified: Second priority
    3. Expired: Third priority
  4. Last updated: If the question text, associated products, and status are identical between two or more Q&A entries, then the last updated date will determine prioritization.

Select Assessments

Previously answered assessments can be used as a resource to generate Smart Response answers. 

5. In the Smart Response Window, click + Select Assessments as shown below.

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6. In the Select Assessment Window, select the intended assessment(s) using the checkbox(s) as shown below. Click Select () & Close to confirm.

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Add Documents

Documents can be used as a resource to generate Smart Response answers. 

7. In the Smart Response Window, click + Add Documents as shown below.

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8. In the Add Documents Screen, upload the desired documents and click Close to confirm as shown below.

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Please see our full help article for more information on uploading documents, here

Review & Run

9. Once all resources have been configured and attached, click Run Smart Response to confirm as shown below.

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10. The Smart Response Window will indicate that Smart Response is generating. Click Back to Questionnaires to navigate to the Response Management Module.

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11. Questionnaires will be locked until the Smart Response generation is complete. locked questionnaires will be indicated by the Lock icon as shown below.

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12. You will receive an email notification once Smart Response is completed.

Viewing Smart Response

Once a Smart Response generation is complete, answers and rationale can be reviewed in the questionnaire Answering Screen. Answers will indicate whether they were sourced from a Knowledge Base Q&A entry match or generated from selected resources.


Smart Response answers generated from provided additional resources (previous assessments and attached documents) will be indicated by an AI-generated icon. The exact portions of external resources that sourced a generated answer can be referenced for each question.

1. In the questionnaire Answering Screen, click on a question indicated by the AI-generated icon and select View References as shown below.

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2. The reference(s) used to generate an answer can be reviewed below the answer text.

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Knowledge Base Match

Smart Response answers from matching Q&A entries will be indicated by a Knowledge Base icon. These answers are populated directly from the answers stored in the Knowledge Base. The matching entry used to source an answer can be viewed for each question.

1. In the questionnaire Answering Screen, click on a question indicated by the Knowledge Base icon and select Knowledge Base Match as shown below. The matching Q&A entry will open in a new tab.

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When all answers are reviewed and verified, the questionnaire can be marked as complete. 

1. In the questionnaire Answering Screen, click Complete as shown below.

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2. In the Complete Questionnaire Window, optionally add newly generated answers as Knowledge Base Q&A entries by clicking the applicable checkbox. Click Complete to confirm as shown below.

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