Creating Q&A Records

Users can create Q&A records to add to the Knowledge Base. By creating Q&A records, the Knowledge Base will become a library of source material to help generate answers when a user runs Smart Response on an incoming questionnaire. 

Please note: Only users who have the Knowledge Base Write permission can create Q&A records.

To learn more about Knowledge Base Permissions, please see our full help article below:

Q&A records can also be autonomously created when digitized questionnaires are answered and completed in the Response Management Module. To learn more about this feature, please see our full article below:

Create Q&A Record

1. From the Knowledge Base Module, click on the Add New Q&A button as shown below.


2. Within the Add New Q&A Window, enter the mandatory fields: Question and Answer. You will also have the option to include Reference Files, enter Partner and Questionnaire details, and configure any custom fields if applicable. Once finalized, click on the Save button to create a new Q&A record as shown below.


To learn about managing Q&A Records, please see our full help article below: