Answering Questionnaires: Options and Filters

Response360 users can utilize the Response Management Module to digitize questionnaires from various formats such as Word, PDF, and Excel. Once imported, questionnaires can be answered by permitted users. This article covers managing questionnaire options and filters while manually answering in the platform. To learn about answering questionnaires with Smart Response, please see our full help article:

Please also see our full help article on Answering Questionnaires:

Please Note: This feature is not available by default. If interested, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact Support.

This article covers the following topics:

Questionnaire Filters

Answer Filters

1. From the Answering Screen, click on the Answer Filter dropdown to apply Not Answered and Answered filters as shown below.


CentrlGPT Filters

2. From the Answering Screen, click on the CentrlGPT Filter dropdown to apply filters based on Smart Response generation.


Questionnaire Options


The collaboration feature allows you to name a colleague as the new owner of a questionnaire. Your colleagues can also be granted supplemental access to questionnaires by inviting them to be additional collaborators.

1. From the Answering Screen, click on Collaboration as shown below.


Note: For more information on collaboration, please see our full article, here.


The documents feature allows you to view and download files attached to the question level and assessment level. 

1. From the Answering Screen, click on Documents as shown below. 2024-04-28_23-23-11 copy.png

Note: For more information on uploading, viewing, and downloading files, please see our full article, here.


The export feature allows you to export questionnaires to PDF or Excel at any time.

1. From the Answering Screen, click on Export as shown below.

2024-04-28_23-23-11 copy (1).png

2. From the Export Window, select the intended file type and click Export to confirm as shown below.


Note: You will receive an email notification with a link to download your file.