Configuring Answer Library Fields

System Administrators can create custom Answer Library fields to capture additional information for enhanced reporting. These fields can be configured when Q&A entries are created or edited. 

This article covers the following topics:

Navigating to Answer Library Field Management

1. Navigate to the System Admin Module, Select the Advance Configuration Screen, and click on Answer Library under Field Management as shown below.


Configuring Answer Library Fields

Adding Custom Fields

1. Click on the Add Answer Library Field button as shown below.


2. You can enter the name of your new custom field, enter a type/sub-type, and select the group for that field. To enable/require the field, select Yes or No per requirement. Click on the Add Field button to save.


Note: Enabling the field will have the field appear on the entity's screen. Requiring the field will make it a mandatory (*) field.

Custom Field Types

There are 6 supported custom field types. 

Dropdown: This is a classic dropdown field type where you can choose one option from a list. For drop-down fields, you can also configure dropdown values using the Add Values option.

Multi-Line Text: This field type includes a multi-line text area for you to input information.

Input: This field type is a single-line text area.

Currency: This field type includes various currencies. Within the sub-type, we have pre-populated currencies to choose from.

Date: This field type allows users to select Month/Day/Year date information. 

Numeric: This field type includes numeric values with sub-types such as Percentage and Generic to choose from.

When you are creating a custom platform field using the Dropdown type, the subtypes available to choose from are as follows: 

Single-Select: This option allows you to choose a single value from the admin-configured list.

Single-Select-With-Add: This option allows you to choose or add a new value if the value does not exist in the admin-configured list.

Multi-Select: This option allows you to choose multiple values from the admin-configured list.

Multi-Select with Add: This option allows you to choose multiple values or add new values if they do not exist in the admin-configured list.

Note: There are limits to how many custom attributes can be added per entity. To learn more about these limits click here.